Hello and welcome to Year Two's Page. Here you are able to access some relevent information about your child's class.
In Year Two, we will be working hard to develop the skills you have already learnt and really master the curriculum. We will have lots of new and interesting learning taking place which will challenge and excite each and every one of you. Children will have lots of opportunities to develop their skills and enthusiasm for subjects across the curriculum as well as developing themselves as a Worrygoose Learner.
If you ever have any questions or would like to discuss something, please do not hesitate to contact us, our door is always open.
Mrs Williams and Miss Angell
Please click on the Class Dojo icon to enable you to sign up to view all of your child's wonderful learning throughout the week.
To help aid transition, we have created a short presentatio to help introduce you to your new teacher and a word document to help you learn more about your new class. We hope this helps.
Click here to view the "Welcome to Year 2" presentation.
Click here for our Year 2 'Meet the Teacher' documents
While we don't set weekly homework tasks for your child to complete we do see the benefits of regular reading, spelling and maths fluency practice. Below are links to two maths programmes that will improve your child's maths fluency and automaticity (Numbots - EY/KS1 and TTRockstars KS1/2). Alongside these programmes we advise that children read either their decodable book or love of reading book daily and also practice their spellings from the list below.
Click below to find our half termly class newsletters to find out what your child will be learning each half term.
Click below to find our half termly class knowledge organisers to find out what your child will be learning each half term.