Whiston Worrygoose J&I School

Whiston Worrygoose J&I School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Hall Close Avenue, Whiston, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 4AG


01709 541878

PTA and the friends of worrygoose


All parents at Whiston Worrygoose automatically become members of our very active Parent Teacher Association (PTA), when their child joins the school. To strengthen the PTA we have also introduced the Friends of Worrygoose to help and support their child/ren and events taken place throughout the year.

The PTA and Friends of Worrygoose committee comprises of a voluntary group of enthusiastic teachers and parents dedicated to enriching and support the lives of our children. Our PTA  works extremely well to strengthen links between the school and the local community, organise social and fund raising events, provide practical support to parents and staff and raise funds to provide resources and activities which the school would not otherwise be able to afford. Most recently, the PTA have funded the refurbishment of the school library. They organise a number of whole-school community events each year, including a Summer Festival,  Easter Disco and Christmas Fair, themed nights etc.

The PTA meet at lease once a half term and everyone is welcome to attend these meetings.  Sign up to follow the PTA on twitter for the latest news and to see how you can become involved. Alternatively if you contact the school office we will be happy to put you in touch with someone who can help!

If you fancy becoming a member of the PTA or a Friend of Worrygoose please contact Hayley Canadine in the school office.




To be announced...